Tod Foley

Tod Foley

Tod Foley is a game designer, writer, editor & interactive developer, founder of the web studio As If Productions, and publisher of As If Books. He’s created content and documentation for a wide variety of commercial and indie games, digital products and...
Shawn Koch

Shawn Koch

Shawn “SL” Koch roams the wild plains, grazing on corpses left over from the great Climate Change Apocalypse. He has determined to write speculative fiction in just about every genre, and to make it as weird as possible. His idols Carlton Mellick III,...
Adrian McCauley

Adrian McCauley

Adrian McCauley lives in the small coastal town of Oamaru, New Zealand – world-famous for its Victorian Heritage and its ubiquitous Steampunk culture – where he home-schools his three children. When he isn’t parenting, tending to his large section,...
Tod Davies

Tod Davies

Tod Davies, editorial director of indie Exterminating Angel Press, is the author of The History of Arcadia fairy tales for adults series, Snotty Saves the Day, Lily the Silent, The Lizard Princess, and Report to Megalopolis, as well as the Jam Today cooking memoir...
DeAnna Knippling

DeAnna Knippling

DeAnna Knippling is an eclectic bookworm who writes mystery, horror, science fiction, fantasy, romance, and classic-style pulp adventure stories with plot twists to die for! Her hobbies are cooking, taking long walks on Florida beaches, fangirling, digging into AI,...
T Reynolds

T Reynolds

T Reynolds is a researcher, writer and gamer who’s working to bring all three together with a gaming company called Chromatic Chameleon Publishing. Their thesis paper at university was on developing the virtual landscape of Second Life, and they’ve worked...
Shariann Lewitt

Shariann Lewitt

Shariann Lewitt has written seventeen books under five different names. Most of her publications are hard science fiction, with particular interest in biology and biocomputing as she has a background in evolutionary and computational biology. Her better known titles...
Antony M. Copeland

Antony M. Copeland

Antony Copeland is the creator of Hermes925 and The City Of Gate. He’s been a lover of writing stories, particularly science fiction and fantasy since childhood, and finally decided to take the plunge in his mid-thirties. Despite his late start he’s...
Niko Carcosa

Niko Carcosa

Niko Carcosa is a poet and master of blank verse. Published in the sadly extinct microfiction magazine Quillpill, and a featured slam poet of Huntsville, AL’s Outloud literary society, Niko started writing poetry in the third grade with a (for the time)...