Tod Foley

Tod Foley

Tod Foley is a game designer, writer, editor & interactive developer, founder of the web studio As If Productions, and publisher of As If Books. He’s created content and documentation for a wide variety of commercial and indie games, digital products and...
Shawn Koch

Shawn Koch

Shawn “SL” Koch roams the wild plains, grazing on corpses left over from the great Climate Change Apocalypse. He has determined to write speculative fiction in just about every genre, and to make it as weird as possible. His idols Carlton Mellick III,...
Adrian McCauley

Adrian McCauley

Adrian McCauley lives in the small coastal town of Oamaru, New Zealand – world-famous for its Victorian Heritage and its ubiquitous Steampunk culture – where he home-schools his three children. When he isn’t parenting, tending to his large section,...
Tod Davies

Tod Davies

Tod Davies, editorial director of indie Exterminating Angel Press, is the author of The History of Arcadia fairy tales for adults series, Snotty Saves the Day, Lily the Silent, The Lizard Princess, and Report to Megalopolis, as well as the Jam Today cooking memoir...
DeAnna Knippling

DeAnna Knippling

DeAnna Knippling is an eclectic bookworm who writes mystery, horror, science fiction, fantasy, romance, and classic-style pulp adventure stories with plot twists to die for! Her hobbies are cooking, taking long walks on Florida beaches, fangirling, digging into AI,...
Rick Rosenkranz

Rick Rosenkranz

Rick Rosenkranz is an award-winning author, poet and lyricist who loves crafting stories of all types. His sci-fi space opera Luminarium is comprised of two parts: the novels Dark Evasion and Bright Manifest, and his short story “Two Heads on a Platter” appeared in...
Irene Bassett

Irene Bassett

Irene D. Bloodrose is a trans woman living somewhere hunched over a computer in the Midwest. When she isn’t playing or writing for TTRPGs, she is writing fantasy and horror fiction, and you can find her stuff on the Nosleep podcast or on her Tumblr,...
Jens Durke

Jens Durke

Jens Durke is a blogger, author and RPG designer, living, gaming and writing in Germany. He’s been playing role-playing games for decades, and writing about them for over 10 years now. When not busy gaming or writing or working to keep a roof over his head, he’s...
Beau Blackcrow

Beau Blackcrow

Existing in a post apocalyptic world lamenting that which is gone, Beau Blackcrow writes to escape the liminal despotic society we now live in. He floats from place to place, dimension to dimension, and other place to other place. Let’s face it, does it really matter...
Miriam Robern

Miriam Robern

Miriam Robern is a white, queer, trans creator of games and stories, originally from the United States and presently living in Manitoba. Her stories tend to focus on society and culture, even if through the lens of dragon-slaying or galactic exploration, and she often...
M.W. Orth

M.W. Orth

M.W. Orth is the grateful father to Moonbeam and Sunshine and is a Storyteller, Idea Factory, Word Wizard, Question Asker, Bridge Builder, Friendship Gardener, Fun Creator, Culture Curator, Consistency Guru, Magic Seeker, EQ Sensei, & Edges of the Map Explorer....