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Hello As If Books — My name is My email is I have writtenI am writing a novelnovellashort storygame called The genre or style is: And it is about: I'm seeking publication under the As If imprintI'm a self-publisher, looking for help with... development &...
Summer Catalog Onesheet

Summer Catalog Onesheet

Here’s a simple onesheet version of our summer catalog: as-if-books-onesheet-2023 As If Books are distributed by Ingram Content Group. Available at all fine booksellers everywhere. https://www.ingramcontent.com


A mad run through a wrecked K-Mart landscape where designer brands fall from the sky, Juggalos & Furries have become mutant cannibals, and the ethical arbiters of long-forgotten TV shows roam the wastes dispensing their own brand of frontier justice. From the...


A Collection of Unclassifiable Compositions, including works by Beau Blackcrow, Irene Bloodrose, Tod Davies, Jens Durke, DeAnna Knippling, Shawn Koch, Matt Orth, Miriam Robern, and Rick Rosenkranz.

Wicked Garden Episode 1: “Object A”

The Pilot Episode of a new CORE campaign set off the coast of UbiquiCity, WICKED GARDEN follows four teenage mutants, seeking media notoriety and following their solarpunk dreams in a fractopian future that runs counter to their eco-friendly upbringing. But these kids...

DayTrippers Bundles @ DTRPG

Looking to stock up for a surreal science-fiction reality-hopping roleplaying campaign? I’ve got you covered! The following bundles are now available as Special Deals on DTRPG: DayTrippers GameMaster Book Bundle:...

CORE SESSION -1: “Inspiration”

Before your Players can create characters to play in your gameworld, they’ll need to know what sort of world they’re creating characters for. This is the CORE Guide to the Inspiration Phase, or what I like to call “Session -1”, including the...
Shinobi Village Re-released

Shinobi Village Re-released

A narrativist ensemble game about secret ninja drama on a long-forgotten island, written by Joe Jeskiewicz, Jonathan Walton & Tod Foley, with a resolution system based on “Rock-Paper-Scissors.” New re-release for 2022! Shinobi Village was an entry in...
UnNatural v3.0 in Print

UnNatural v3.0 in Print

IT IS HERE! UnNatural v3.0 — 5×8″ print edition. For those who don’t know, “UnNatural” is a CORE World of modern-day monster hunting that might remind you of (the best seasons of) a certain TV show. It has been updated to CORE v3.0...

Screenplay Techniques and Scene Types

This list has circulated around the net for years; I’m not able to find the names of the original authors. But according to some film theorists it covers all the bases: every type of scene or screenplay technique that can be used in film. That’s a big...