Science Fiction

Luminarium Bundle

Luminarium Bundle

Get both Luminarium books at a reduced price in this bundle: Enter coupon code LUMIBUNDLE for 25% Off the regular price.

UbiquiCity Bundle

UbiquiCity Bundle

Get both UbiquiCity books at a reduced price in this bundle: Enter coupon code UBIBUNDLE for 25% Off the regular price.



Eleven Tales Teetering in Liminality.
A mind-bending collection of stories by Beau Blackcrow, Irene Bloodrose, Tod Davies, Jens Durke, DeAnna Knippling, Shawn Koch, Matt Orth, Miriam Robern, Rick Rosenkranz, Adrian McCauley, and Leigham Shardlow.

UbiquiCity 1: Tales of the Fractopian Future

UbiquiCity 1: Tales of the Fractopian Future

A collaborative anthology series set in a “Smart City” 100 years in the future, where ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, biotech, anti-aging and green technologies exist alongside corporate governance and social upheaval.