Golden Age Adventures

DayTrippers Golden Age Adventures is now available in paperback, hardback, or PDF format for your science fiction campaigns!

GOLDEN AGE ADVENTURES is an anthology of 16 roleplaying adventures based on “Golden Age” stories by famous science fiction writers of the 1930s-50s. Each adventure comes with three scenarios, allowing them to be easily dropped in to any science fiction roleplaying campaign.

As with all DayTrippers products, conversion tables are provided for use with other game systems. Also provided are new rules and GM guidelines for Hexcrawls, Random Encounters, Optional Content, Mission Types and “Vector Slip Failures” which deposit characters in a different universe than the one they intended to visit.

This 364-page book includes:
• 16 Adventure Modules
• 4 Death Worlds
• 7 Hexcrawls
• 48 Possible Missions
• New and Expanded Rules
• and the full text of all source stories!

Featuring original art by Gennifer Bone, Allan Dotson, Chella Faithe, David Guyll & Melissa Fisher, Enmanuel Martinez, Robert Petillo, Danny Prescott, Eric Quigley, Philip Rice, James Shields and Brannon Wright

DrivethruRPG (Print or PDF)
Tabletop Library (PDF)
Indie Press Revolution (PDF)
Open Gaming (PDF)

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