As If Books

Straddling the imaginary line between Genre and Literature, As If publishes works of thought-provoking fiction that explore the human condition against backdrops that range from the realistic to the strikingly bizarre. Here on the outlying edges of speculative fiction: the allegorical, the philosophical, the weird, and the MetaModern.

Covering all aspects of image generation, from basic prompt engineering to advanced operations like inpainting and style conversions, the ImageLabs User Read more
Get both Luminarium books at a reduced price in this bundle: Enter coupon code LUMIBUNDLE for 25% Off the regular Read more
Get both UbiquiCity books at a reduced price in this bundle: Enter coupon code UBIBUNDLE for 25% Off the regular Read more
Eleven Tales Teetering in Liminality. A mind-bending collection of stories by Beau Blackcrow, Irene Bloodrose, Tod Davies, Jens Durke, DeAnna Read more
A mad run through a devastated future Kmart landscape where designer brands fall from the sky, Juggalos and Furries have Read more
SL Koch brings you another journey through the bizarre, the absurd, and the uncomfortable. Thirteen short stories of doom metal, Read more
In book 2 of the LUMINARIUM series, author Rick Rosenkranz blends faith and science in an exciting and fast-paced romp Read more
The LUMINARIUM series explores eternal spiritual themes in a galaxy-spanning future empire straight out of the Golden Age of science Read more
A strange occult crime story, running on desperate fumes and psychic visions as it spirals out of control into madness. Read more
The second book in the UbiquiCity series explores the seamy underside of this augmented future world. Read more
A collaborative anthology series set in a "Smart City" 100 years in the future, where ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, augmented Read more

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